Use filters to view meal options by diet category or by the calorie range, protein type, allergens, and target ranges for carbs, sodium, and fiber. When setting up an account, you can preview the menu, select your meal plan and preferred delivery dates, and then fill your box with meals. Signing up for Snap Kitchen online is quick and easy from a desktop computer or mobile device. You can choose from any diet category for both plans and shipping is free. Snap Kitchen offers two weekly meal delivery subscription options at either six or 12 meals per week. We tried the service to see what it’s all about.
All meals are free from gluten, soy, preservatives, artificial sweeteners, and added hormones. Subscribers can choose from Snap’s low carb, Whole 30, high protein, keto-friendly, and paleo meal plans.

Meals are created by chefs with input from the Snap Kitchen’s staff registered dietitians. It has donated over 4 million meals to charities as a service to the community. The company also cares about sustainability and demonstrates this by offering fully recyclable packaging. Snap Kitchen says its goal is to “empower busy people to eat well without compromise,” believing that you don’t have to choose between health and convenience. Snap delivers to 15 different states, offers in-store pick up in stores in Austin, Houston, and Dallas, and can be found at select Whole Foods Market locations. Founded in Austin, Texas, in 2010, Snap Kitchen offers fully-cooked, heat-and-eat meals via a weekly subscription.